
There is someone very near and dear to me that exemplifies that “attitude is everything.” Though I can’t share her story now, one day I hope to do so. This morning I read her Caring Bridge message which inspired me to dedicate this blog to her.

How often do we hear the words impossible, never, no way, unimaginable, can’t be done? I think it’s best to live by the adage, “If there’s a will, there’s a way.” Or another, “Consider your cup half full, not half empty.” It’s all about having a positive attitude. Believe me, it makes getting out of bed every morning so much easier!

Often I think about a woman I was assigned to as a Stephen Minister.  For over 10 years she had lived in pain and despair.  Her support benefits were about to end and she was at a loss as to what she would do next.  I could see so much hope for her if she would just change her attitude, but all was doom and gloom in her mind.  Sadly, I had to give her up as a care receiver.  All she wanted is to have someone listen to her complaints and she wasn’t willing to be open to the possibility of a brighter more positive life.  Can you think of a more unbearable existence than that?

Charles Swindoll, author of The Grace Awakening, writes this about attitude:  “The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.  Attitude is more important than the past, than education, money, circumstances, failures and successes and much more than what other people think, say or do…  I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% percent how I react to it.  We are all in charge of our attitudes.”

There is a 3.23 minute movie that is worth watching called The Attitude of Everything Inspirational Movie. It tells about 7 rules to follow.

  1. Wait to worry
  2.  Keep an attitude of gratitude
  3. Your health is your wealth
  4. Joy boomerangs
  5. Learn to say “No”
  6. Understand the power of discipline
  7. Surround yourself with positive people

Last April I wrote about the creator (in my mind) of the phrase “attitude is everything” and that is Rosemary Kowalski.  She was about to turn 90, and now she is there.  Rosemary was honored in the grandest of fashion as she and her countless admirers celebrated her 90th birthday.  It was an experience that none of us will ever forget.  Rosemary’s positive attitude is what made her the woman she is today.  If you want to read my story about her, simply scroll down to the blog posted in April 2014.


Now I write about another special woman in my life.  Cristina Heaney is the President of US Safety Services.  It’s with a positive attitude and determination to succeed that Cristina has built a very successful business, so much so that her husband was able to leave a prestigious position as bank president to join her.  In June, Cristina will be inducted as President of the National Association of Women Business Owners San Antonio (NAWBO) and will serve for a two-year term.  She recently shared with me that she’s excited about this opportunity to take the chapter to new heights and I know that she will absolutely achieve her goals.  Cristina does not comprehend the word “impossible”.  Her positive attitude is contagious.  There is always a smile on her face, brightness in her eyes, and confidence in her voice.  One cannot help but be inspired by Cristina.