
30 06, 2014

The Power of Follow-Up

The Power of Follow-Up“Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on when others have let go.”     ~~ William Feather

I launched my monthly blog crusade in August 2013. This month’s focus, The Power of Follow-Up, is an apt topic to cap off my year’s trek, before starting all over again in August 2014. So many of the previous topics prepare you for following up in the most effective and winning way.

There are tools ad infinitum available for setting up a follow-up system, from paper to hi-tech, but the bottom line is there is no better tool than YOU. It’s all about building relationships of understanding and trust. That makes the process of following up easy and comfortable. As I have iterated numerous times before, everybody likes to do business with people they like.

We so often give up because we see no value in keeping in touch with someone who is not ready to do business with us today. Who can foresee what tomorrow may bring?

Thomas Edison said it well: “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”

Advice […]

30 04, 2014

The Power of No!

“Wielded wisely, No is an instrument of integrity and a shield against exploitation. It often takes courage to say. It is hard to receive. But setting limits sets us free.”  Judith Sills, Ph.D., published on November 5, 2013The Power of Saying No

I love this quote because it is so very true. It gives a positive twist to a negative word. I prefer to think of “no” as the next best answer to “yes”. I sure prefer that more than the “let me think about it” response. I want closure, one way or another.

The vector selected to use for this power is what it’s all about. We must make sure we have balance in our lives, whatever that may be for you. I’ll admit that I often do not practice what I preach. I say “yes” more than I should; thus, finding myself over-extended and living in a stressful and chaotic mode. That means I don’t sleep well, I eat poorly, my body aches from tension, and my brain is in a constant state of overwhelm. In other words, I simply have too […]